
Review: Too Much, Too Young at Washington Arts Centre

“It Ain’t Very Comfortable Mr Gove”

Too Much, Too Young
WashingtonArts Centre
3 July 2014.

Written & Performed by Jack Bennett
Artistic support Chris Thorpe and Daniel Bye
Produced by ARC, Stockton

Everyone had to make decisions at school. Some of those decisions still affect us in adult life. So why do impulsive teenagers get told to make important decisions such as GCSE choices whilst struggling with the mental battles that come with puberty? Jack Bennett too had a run in with his geography teacher: Keep going to those Band Practices that Mr Cope ran or rehearse for a non-speaking part in a local play. 

Too Much, Too Young is a one man show about education and all that’s wrong with it.  The show starts with a combination of some modern teaching pedagogy as the audience is told the show will be visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. To make a point the handy torches that were distributed at the start are used to make a memory of a stranger sat nearby.

The show explores the reasons behind why education is in the state it is from the 1880s when it was first made compulsory, through the Butler Act of the 1940s, New Labour and the current direction under Michael Gove. The trouble with education is that it is preparing kids for a future that is very uncertain. Whether it is driverless cars or nanobots being inserted in our brains to enable to play games or live in a virtual world – we simply don’t know what the future holds for our kids.  Essentially the questions need to be “who is education for & is it fit for that purpose?”

Jack Bennett engages the audience with torches, Twister and an array of mini-whiteboards. His passion for an education that never ends effervesces across. This is another engaging play at the Arts Centre that makes you think & question your reality. Just like 2012s “Best In The World” the show is well worth seeing for that very reason.

This review was written by Stephen Oliver for Jowheretogo PR. Follow Jo on twitter @jowheretogo, Stephen @panic_c_button or like Jowheretogo on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Jowheretogo 

Tour dates:

2nd July      7pm             ARC, Stockton
3rd July       7.30pm        Arts Centre Washington
6th July       5pm             The HUB, Leeds
8th July       7.30pm        Camden People's Theatre, London
9th July       7.30pm        Camden People's Theatre, London
11th July      8pm            The Maltings, Berwick-upon-Tweed
Spring 2015                     UK Tour

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