
Preview: Hansel and Gretel at Sunderland Royalty Theatre

Family theatre comes to Sunderland!

Hansel and Gretel
Sunderland Royalty Theatre
Saturday 18 October

As part of the Sunderland Stages project Horse + Bamboo Theatre Company present Hansel and Gretel at The Royalty Theatre on Saturday 18 October, suitable for children aged 5+.

Hunger. Gnaws at the stomach like a dog on a bone.
If only.. if only there were a cake.. a cake as big as a house!
Sometimes, if you want something badly enough, it might just happen… But getting what you want isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be.

With succulent music and film, puppets and masks, Horse + Bamboo have baked up a delicious treat of a show - dark, chewy and delicious at heart, yet coated with a sprinkle of something light, sweet and zesty. Hansel and Gretel promises to be a feast for the senses.

Horse + Bamboo Theatre Company have been making and touring high quality theatre for over 30 years. To sustain the company for this long they have had to keep their work fresh whilst also still providing Horse + Bamboo’s distinctive visual impact. Horse + Bamboo’s audiences leave with a mind full of lasting images that can rarely be compared to anything seen before or after.

Hansel + Gretel follows on from the company’s successful Red Riding Hood tour and continues Horse + Bamboo’s ambition of taking a traditional tale and giving it their own twist. The show, for 5 and up, is beautifully presented with lots of fun involved.

On The Web:
Sunderland Stages:
Horse And Bamboo Theatre Company:

Hansel and Gretel comes to The Royalty Theatre, Sunderland on Saturday 18 October at 11.30am + 2pm. 
Tickets are £6 / £20 (family, admits 4) and are available from www.sunderlandstages.co.ukor by calling 0191 219 3455.

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