
News: Theatre Cloud brings back successful young reporter scheme


Theatre Cloud brings back successful young reporter scheme for its second year to report on Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge

TheatreCloud.com (www.theatrecloud.com ), the new UK touring theatre website, is launching a new search for budding young arts journalists in Darlington.

After a successful pilot scheme centered on last autumn’s world premiere stage adaptation of Pat Barker’s Regeneration, the search is now on for aspiring reporters to cover the behind-the-scenes action on Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge, on tour this spring to mark the centenary of the renowned American playwright’s birth.

Miller’s 1956 classic is set in the dangerous world of New York’s Brooklyn harbor, where Eddie Carbone lives with his wife and niece in a tight-knit Italian immigrant community bound by strong moral codes of justice and loyalty and a fevered pursuit of “The American Dream”.

This brand new production of Miller’s 1956 classic, directed by Stephen Unwin, opens at Nottingham Theatre Royal on 4 March and then tours until 11 April 2015. A View from the Bridge is produced by the Touring Consortium Theatre Company.

As part of its new Young Reporters Scheme, Theatre Cloud is recruiting would-be journalists, aged 17-30 years old, to report on the production’s run at Darlington Civic Theatre from March 17 – 21.

In the week that A View From The Bridge hits Darlington, Young Reporters will not only see the show, they’ll be granted special access at Darlington Civic Theatre to carry out a variety of A View From The Bridge media assignments, including: interview features with the cast and related experts, video blogs, audience vox pops, crew diaries and backstage tour reports. All articles will be published, with bylines, on TheatreCloud.com.

Theatre Cloud’s Young Reporters Scheme is approved as part of the Arts Council-funded national Arts Award (www.artsaward.org.uk). Participation will prove invaluable for those gaining experience and credits while working towards their bronze, silver or gold level Arts Award.

To apply for scheme consideration, young people should tell us in no more than 250 words, why they would like to be a Theatre Cloud young reporter, plus give us one story idea around A View From The Bridge at their local theatre, along with their name, age, address and contact details to reporters@theatrecloud.com. Please note that this is unpaid work experience however contribution towards expenses will be provided. Deadline for applications from Darlington is Thursday 5th March 2015.

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