
Preview: Life & Loves Of A Nobody at Washington Arts Centre

Her Life Is In Your Hands

The Life & Loves Of A Nobody
Washington Arts Centre
22nd May 2015.

It is said that Andy Warhol suggested in 1968 that in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.  Recent television talent competitions perpetuate this concept as real people try to find the spotlight and seem willing to do anything in order to do so.

Third Angel have developed a show which feels very familiar with a television style presentation. Rachael Walton and Nick Chambers open up by apologising for the protests outside though the audience are left in the dark as to why anyone would object.

Rachel is the contestant who has been selected after extensive auditions but before she puts in an appearance we are given her life story to date. The sequence of snapshots from her life that follows are very cleverly put together.

From the moments her parents are aware she has been conceived to the highs and lows of adult life, the audience are exposed to recognisable mundane, yet funny, aspects of  normal life. This produces many a laugh for the audience as they recognise the awkwardness of growing pains. This brought back memories of the 80s tv series “The Diary Of Adrian Mole aged 13 and ¾s. The rants between couples were both intense and often funny.

The stage design is very well thought out as butterflies, tower blocks and shadowplay houses appear without any pause in the action. Both set designer Andrew Stephenson and lightining designer Mark Howland need praise for the often subtle yet inventive solutions. The street lights reflecting on the river and the disappearance of the butterflies and raincoat exemplify the cunning design.

Rachael Walton also directs the show and has built upon the original concept of the girl who joined the circus.  The Life & Loves Of A Nobody is now a well paced reflection of life in the 21st century – right down to the laminated floorboards.  The finale leaves the audience in suspense as they will reflect upon how a real television audience might behave in similar circumstances.  

A cracking reflection of the human condition which resulted in many laughs. Well worth seeing.

There will be one more show (Rapunzel) before the theatre at the Washington Arts Centre goes into the dark for its refit. After the exciting work has redeveloped the theatre space it will reopen in the Autumn. We wish the team at the Arts Centre every success in turning their plans into reality.

On The Web:

Hexham Queens Hall Tuesday 2 -Wednesday 3 June 7.30pm
Tickets: £12.00 / £10.00 (Friends / benefit conc) / £5.00 (student)

Hartlepool Town Hall Theatre
Thursday 4th  June Friday 5th June 2015 Tickets: £4.00 to £8.00

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