
Preview: Peter Antoniou at Edinburgh Sweet Grassmarket

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Peter Antoniou – Happy Medium
Edinburgh Sweet Grassmarket
Thursday 6th August – 30th August 2015

Star of the sell-out Evening of Burlesque tour and consultant to TV’s Dynamo, ‘Psychic’ Comedian PeterAntoniou brings his smash-hit show back to Fringe. Part life advice, part stand-up comedy, part psychic demonstration, it is a truly unique and unpredictable experience that showcases Peter’s quick wit and phenomenal ability to pick up thoughts.

If you could ask a Psychic one question what would it be? This is the simple concept Peter’s show revolves around. You merely think about your questions and Peter will read that question from your mind and set about delivering a funny and insightful answer. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes touching, not even Peter knows what is coming up next as each person used in the show is chosen by the roll of a dice.

Peter is quick to point out that he isn’t talking to the dead though. “I can talk to the dead. The problem is they don’t talk back, which I think is rude because it’s not like they are up to much,” he quips. The show is much more about the human connection. “Everyone has a special story, an interest fact, a personal quandary that is unique to them”, Peterexplains. “My skill is to pull those stories out of people’s brains and stitch them together to make a show”.

Peter has wowed audiences the world over, including royalty and blue chip companies including Disney, Ernst and Young, and Drambuie. This is his eighth year at the Fringe and he has some very special surprises to celebrate. “I’ll be using twitter to announce a lot of pop-up performances, sneak peeks at exciting new projects I’m not allowed to talk about yet and give out free gifts during the month. I am really looking forward to creating an interactive experience that moves far outside the theatre for the whole month,” Says Peter. You can follow him on twitter for your chance to get free gifts and be the first to hear about the pop up performances at www.twitter.com/isyourmindsafe

A truly unique experience — come and witness a show that is never the same twice, and truly is made from the audience. Come and think your question and wonder: is your mind safe?

The show runs  at Sweet Grassmarket, Apex International Hotel, EH1 2HS from the 6th August – 30th August at 19:35 (60 mins). Tickets £7 (£6 Concessions)
Previews 6th and 7th of August Tickets: £5

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