
News: Industry talk & Musical Theatre Workshops

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 Industry Talks and Musical Theatre Workshops 
from the Star of The Buddy Holly Story

Glen Joseph - Industry Talk
Saturday 10th October

West End Performer and Director, Glen Joseph, is best known for his role as Buddy in The Buddy Holly Storyin the West End, UK Tours, Germany & New Zealand, appearing in West End productions of Footloose & Dreamboats & Petticoats, and throughout his career has collectively performed to over one million people. This workshop is aimed at intermediate to advanced actors, or those who wish to pursue a professional career in Performing Arts. Following a brief introduction, Glen will offer the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about our industry including, showreels, head shots, CVs and how to give yourself the best opportunity at the audition. Glen will offer each performer feedback on their approach and respective portfolio, as well as working with each performer individually to access their potential problem areas. Please bring with you any material you want feedback on.

11am - 12.30pm Saturday 10th October - Tickets £15
Industry talk tickets are at this link: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/98598

Glen Joseph - Musical Theatre Masterclass
Saturday 10th October

West End Performer and Director, Glen Joseph, is best known for his role as Buddy in The Buddy Holly Storyin the West End, UK Tours, Germany & New Zealand, appearing in West End productions of Footloose & Dreamboats & Petticoats, and throughout his career has collectively performed to over one million people. This workshop is aimed at intermediate to advanced performers, or those who wish to pursue a professional career in Musical Theatre. In this workshop, after a small introduction, and some practical exercises, each actor will have the chance to perform for Glen in the form of a mock audition, and will receive critique along the way; he will be focussing on acting through song, delivery, technique and overall professional quality.  Please wear comfortable clothing for the workshop.

3pm - 4.30pm Saturday 10th October - Tickets £15.

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