
Preview: Presumption at Newcastle Northern Stage

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Newcastle Northern Stage
Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th February 2016

A table, six chairs. Precariously carried, precisely placed.
Start the scene: after the dinner party guests have gone.
More furniture required.
Start again. From the top.

Tom and Beth. Together for seven years; buying stuff, sharing friends, acquiring memories. Two people gradually talking less, but slowly wanting more.
It’s a story about love.  Not romantic, thrill of passion love, but everyday, what shall we have for dinner, expecting to go on living together – well what else would we do?  – love.

Presumption premiered at Sheffield Theatres in 2006 and toured for three years across eight countries. Third Angel remounts this celebrated and popular work back to the
UK to mark the company’s 20thanniversary. 

**** “clever, honest… Third Angel have found the right form to ask the questions, and the answers they offer are provocative, surprising and oddly affecting” the Guardian

On The Web:
Twitter: @thirdangeluk

Presumption comes to Newcastle’s Northern Stage. Wednesday 3rdFriday 5th February 2016. Shows start at 7.30

Tickets: £14.50 / £12.50 concessions
Running time: 1 hr 10 mins
Recommended age 15+
Post-show discussion: Thu 4 February 2016

Tickets are available from the theatre website https://www.northernstage.co.uk/whats-on/presumption
or by calling the box office on 0191 230 5151.

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