
Preview: Get Yourself Together at Northern Stage

Get Yourself Together
Newcastle Northern Stage
Tuesday 24th& Wednesday 25th May 2016

Is it my fault I’m like this?

Is it my fault I’m angry?

…is it?

One Christmas, Josh was diagnosed with depression and then hit by a car. The following year he was on Job Seekers whilst attempting to balance his sanity and gift buying. This is a show about that time. This is a show about being ill and being fit for work.  This is a show about the DWP and being from Bolton. This is a show that explores the thin line between mental health as a clinical and a political issue. 

Part stand up, part spoken word and part teenager in his room pretending he’s in a punk band, Get Yourself Together is new show from Royal Exchange, Manchester Support Artist Josh Coates. Directed by Anna Ryder (associate artist at Live Theatre) and Dramaturgy from James Varney with additional support from Matthew Xia (Royal Exchange) and Ellie Stamp.

What people have said
****  - The Review Hub
“Coates is at the very beginning of his career as an artist and on the evidence of this show clearly has the potential to develop into a performer and storyteller of the calibre of Chris Goode or Daniel Kitson”

“I cried because I knew that this 55-odd minutes of theatre had made something happen. Not just for me but for everyone else in the room. It made you laugh and then think ‘...fuck’. It made you play ‘catch up’ just to stop you in your tracks.” - http://zoemurtagh.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/some-thoughts-on-get-yourself-together.html

Like the bastard love child of Christopher Robins and Sarah Kane…in the best possible way” Northern Stage Audience Feedback

“Calvin without Hobbes. An important show” Northern Stage Audience Feedback

“A cross between Sleaford Mods and John Cooper Clarke. Pulls out poetry from his mouth like a magician” Derby Theatre Audience Feedback

Get Yourself Together by Josh Coates comes to Northern Stage - 24th&25th May 7:45pm
Tickets are £10/£8 and can be booked using this link -> https://www.northernstage.co.uk/whats-on/Get-yourself-together 

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