
Preview: PUG at Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre

Come down for a night of addictive performances for withered attention spans.


Rosa Postlethwaite & Hannah Walker present
Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre
Friday 15th July 2016

Rosa and Hannah present PUG, a night of addictive performances for withered attention spans.

Replace your laptop with a lapdog and revel in a night of fast-paced, genre-bending shows from the North East’s most adorable artists.


re(a/t)ch by Charlie Dearnley
re(a/t)ch explores ritual ceremonies of offering and acceptance as Charlie Dearnley tries to find and reflect on spiritual experiences by imbuing actions, tasks and events with otherworldly importance. Through reflecting on a christian upbringing he attempts to make some sense of his own constantly shifting belief system, and then express that through a combination of spoken word and dance.

You Over There by Luca Rutherford
Punk stuff. Fun stuff. Silliness.
Something will happen. No one will get richer and no-one will get poorer.
You Over There looks at what happens when we make stuff and do stuff in a way we are not supposed to. I want to invite you to be a punk with me. Shout loudly, dance stupidly, stay still and whisper if you want to, but stand in the garage with me and give a bit of you for a piece of me.

Raising the Skirt: A Talk by Nicola Hunter and Dawn Felicia Knox
The act of lifting the skirt has been translated across cultures and geographies. In folklore, women could drive away devils, evil spirits and even invading warriors.
Nicola Canavan created ‘Raising the Skirt’ from a place of extensive research into the historical links between the vulva and power as well as from a deeply personal place of overcoming judgement that was placed on her own body. ‘Raising the Skirts’ began as a three-day workshop funded by the Live Art Development Agency. Dawn Felicia Knox documented all aspects, bearing witness to the personal journeys of each woman. Canavan and Knox have continued to facilitate the action as part of the Arches Sexology Event in Glasgow and a through a further intensive workshop in the North of England.
Dawn Felicia Knox and Nicola Canavan present their project ‘Raising the Skirt’ including an exhibition of powerful images from the 2015 workshop.

About the Company: Hannah & Rosa
Hannah & Rosa are two artists and friends who explore their own, sometimes boring, lives to make performances that shimmer. We devise new work that straddles theatre and live art, approaching subject matters with care, generosity and vigour. We’re inspired by the alternative cabaret scene and together we want to make shows as effervescent and potent as our drinks.
An audience member once said that our work was “funny, glossy and honest”. We think this is something to aim for.
Hannah & Rosa have a quarterly club night called PUG - a night of short performances for meagre attention spans and are in the early stages of research towards their next show Basic B, a show basically about naming and shaming.

Pug comes to Newcastle’s Alphabetti Theatre on Friday 15th July 2016 at 7.30pm
Tickets: Pay What You Feel RESERVE tickets using this link: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/257544
Where: Alphabetti Theatre, The Basement, 18 New Bridge Street West, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8AW
Age Recommendation: 18+ (Content warning: contains nudity)

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