
EdFringe Review: (500) Days of Stammer ★★★★

(500) Days of Stammer ★★★★
Edinburgh Sabor
Until Saturday 27th August 2016

Aidan Greene was quite happily living in Northern Ireland until, at 4 years of age, he moved south of the border. At this point he delivered a stammer – an issue that affects 68 million people. It is also a disability that doesn’t get you a parking space. An hour in the company of Aidan will give a clear understanding of the condition, as well as life growing up in Ireland.

It isn’t the done thing to laugh at disability perhaps but, as Channel 4’s The Last Leg shows, we can laugh with the jokes of those who suffer. Let’s face it, there has to be comedy found from the inappropriateness of religious cures for stammers and gays.

The show works because of the insight into the condition and the appreciation on both sides of the awkwardness that it can precipitate. Aidan’s fine delivery about tales of finding love – or his perceived nightmare if both members of a couple had a stammer – were absorbing.

With a supportive audience, in the hottest room of the fringe so far, Aidan gave a great account of the highs and lows of his condition, he’s also really funny!  

This review was written by Stephen Oliver the North East Theatre Guide – follow Stephen at @panic_c_button

The show is a part of the free fringe and a collection takes place at the end of the show. Details: http://freefringe.org.uk/edinburgh-fringe-festival/aidan-greene-500-days-of-stammer/all/

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