
EdFringe Review: 600 People ★★★★

600 People ★★★★
Edinburgh Summerhall (Venue 26c)
Until Saturday 27th August 2016

Space. It’s huge, isn’t it? Ever wondered if we are the only living things here? Or if the human race, as we know it, will always survive? Alexander Kelly presents a fascinating factual account of what he found out from leading Astro Physicist Dr Simon Goodwin. The result is really absorbing – like the best TED talk, only more interesting.

Photo: Richard Kenworthy
The show started as research for another show. From an early conversation Alexander, who was already curious about space, was drawn into the issues of distance, time and SETI. SETI is the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Though, is Fermi is to believed, we are unlikely to find it.

So the show starts with a soundtrack of radio messages. We quickly discover that 2 Voyager spacecraft are now hurtling through space, sending back incredible images. Onboard are records with sounds from Earth. And a record player. In kit form. With instructions on how to assemble it. Lets hope alien life has been to IKEA regularly.

In all seriousness these 2 craft have taken amazing images and we have continued to discover numerous further planets thanks to their stars wobbling due to the gravitational pull. 600 people gives a rich talk that is easy to understand for a non-specialist. It is full of facts that make you go “wow!” You get some understanding of the scale of the issues.

This presentation doesn’t stop there. We are forced to examine the history of our own planet, and the future of the human race. It’s not just Global Warming. We also consider other intelligent life forms on Earth and their behaviour too.

This is an absorbing topic, well presented and factually correct. The distinction between fact, theory and current understanding is made clear, as is the progressive nature of scientific study. It is brilliant for the simple fact that everything is properly explained but the audience isn’t spoken down to. Accessible. A wonderful presentation that brings some aspects of science alive. 

This review was written by Stephen Oliver the North East Theatre Guide – follow Stephen at @panic_c_button


For full details or to book tickets online visit www.northernstage.co.uk/edinburghor call the Summerhall Box Office on 0131 560 1581 https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/600-people

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