
EdFringe Review: David Stanier's Silly Party ★★★★

David Stanier's Silly Party ★★★★

Edinburgh Just the Tonic at The Mash House (Venue 288)
Until Sunday 28th August 2016

The Snifter Room is a living room sized venue that features many different lampshades on the ceiling.  The eclectic mixture of decorations and the many balloons that David had put out pretty much sums up the feeling of the show.  David invites you to his house party. He is keen to get to know you and he has a number of ice breaking moments such as getting the audience to ask each other questions taken from a hat.

Yes, the show features a lot of audience participation but it isn’t an intimidating show and “silly” is the theme. Fortunately tonight most people in the room were up for it and that helped the atmosphere somewhat.  

The tone of the show is a cross between a crazy European tv quiz shows and 80s mad house Saturday evening tv. Think Reeves and Mortimer in their prime and you’re along the right lines.  Complete with jokes from crackers, school yard humour and party games – David is a likeable chap who works hard to keep the party going. He has support from 2 friends coming on as special guests. At times events can get very surreal and at other points it is very funny. He had most of the crowd on board from the off as he filled the room with laughter.

This is a promising start for David in his first Ed Fringe show. It’s a bubbly fun show. 

This review was written by Stephen Oliver for Jowheretogo PR (www.jowheretogo.com). Follow Jo on twitter @jowheretogo, Stephen @panic_c_button or like Jowheretogo on Facebook www.facebook.com/Jowheretogo. 

Tickets are £5 advance to guarantee admission or pay what you want on the door. https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/david-stanier-s-silly-party

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