
EdFringe Review: Spoonfeeders ★★★★

Spoonfeeders ★★★

Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre

11th August 2016

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Monday 15th- Saturday 27thAugust 2016

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall(Venue 53)

Newcastle University Theatre Society is taking a piece of new writing up to Edinburgh that explores the misinformation that plagues the so-called news. It also looks at office politics and the need to maintain ones place in the pecking order when the new guy appears. It deserves to do well when it heads up North.

How much do you trust the translations that you hear on the news? How willing are you to accept the news from the TV, or radio, your favourite newspaper or the internet. Just before watching tonight’s show I had literally just been watching a BBC documentary about how the BREXIT battle was won/lost and a big focus was the exaggeration which is natural today. With this is mind Spoonfeeders is particularly well timed.

It begins with Max giving the orders to Tibby and Jons. Max used to do the work himself but now his role is to feed the work on a merit basis. Tibby and Jons, for their part, feel their status at work is set in stone and wish to keep it that way. Sharing the office is Felicity, who is left with administrative tasks but wishes to move up to doing the voice over work that Tibby and Jons hold the monopoly on. Max uses this tension between the staff to ensure compliance of his wishes.

Whilst this is going on, there is a protest going on outside as people want to save the poor country of Bornu. The president of Bornu has a long speech that will need a voice over artist to add their talent to. New actor, Stephen, fresh from university then arrives and whilst he immediately clicks with Felicity, he is seen as a threat to Tibby and Jons.
Now, who will Max decide to give that valued task to?
A simple set of props such as a table, window and recording equipment are more than enough to propel the story. Sound effects remind the audience of the disturbances outside whilst the cast do a great job of keeping the tension inside.

Aidan Clancy and James Howlett are a hoot as the couple of workers that you love to hate. They have most of the funny lines of cutting satire in Patrick Watson’s smart script. Patrick also appears as Max, the boss who gives little away to his subordinates. Joseph Campbell-Sample and Alex Burns work well as the wannabies Stephen and Felicity.

Lucy Sherratt directs a sharply observed tale with some cheeky wit thanks to a promising script from Patrick Watson.  

Parental guidance: Some swearing & drug use.

This review was written by Stephen Oliver for Jowheretogo PR (www.jowheretogo.com). Follow Jo on twitter @jowheretogo, Stephen @panic_c_button or like Jowheretogo on Facebook www.facebook.com/Jowheretogo.

Max                                     Patrick Watson                        
Stephen                            Joseph Campbell-Sample     
Fizz                                      Alex Burns                                 
Tibby                                           Aidan Clancy                          
Jons                                   James Howlett                         

Director                             Lucy Sherratt
Writer                                 Patrick Watson
Production Manager               Chloe Burton
Producers                         Tom Edney and Caroline Simonsen
Poster                                Alex Burns

Edinburgh: Spoon-Feeders runs at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Monday 15th- Saturday 27thAugust at theSpace @ Surgeons Hall(Venue 53) at 8:30pm Book online here: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/spoon-feeders

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