
Preview: Make Do and Mend Tour at Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre

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Make Do and Mend Tour
Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre
Thursday 29th - Friday 30th September 2016
A visually compelling and moving new play; three poignant local stories of women who have suffered and survived the trauma of Domestic Abuse.
Reflecting on childhood, motherhood and marriage, Make Do and Mend is a powerful production, telling real life stories of County Durham women who have suffered and survived the trauma of Domestic Abuse. Written in verbatim format, it invites the audience to experience first-hand, three poignant local stories, in a visually compelling and moving production.
Audiences have described the work as a “Visual and clever representation, an innovative way to communicate and resonate with people.”
Feedback from the preview performances of Make Do and Mend, to audiences in Newcastle and the European Parliament in Brussels, confirmed that this play has value for those affected by Domestic Abuse as an "empowering" reminder "of courage and hope and that there is a way out."
But it is also a valuable reminder that we are all responsible for bringing an end to this insidious crime; 87% of our preview audience said they would be “more likely to offer to help somebody they suspected was experiencing Domestic Abuse as a result of watching our play”.
The Women’s Voices Project (managed by Changing Relations) was set up in 2014 after the successful Durham Women Rising events in 2013, to give voice to local women and challenge the prevalence of violence perpetrated against them. They have since organised and delivered a number of creative events aimed at empowering women through participatory arts and enabling women survivors of Domestic Abuse across County Durham to shape a performance representative of their experiences.
Women they have worked with have described how important it was to feel that they “were being listened to.” This powerful performance aims to highlight the true extent of DA and its impact on victims and families and encourage our local communities to challenge unacceptable behaviours. They are confident that the result the production is sharing with you now is important, beautiful and true and that it will help more people seek support themselves as well as choosing to offer support to those who need it.
As well as touring to Arts venues and Schools, the company are working with Gentoo Housing in Sunderland and Northumbria University to trial the performance with a drama-based workshop as a training tool for health professionals and housing officers. They believe it has great potential to offer valuable insights into Domestic Abuse.
The producers are immensely grateful to the Big Lottery’s Awards for All programme, County Durham Community Foundation and Arts Council England and they’d like to extend our gratitude to the women and staff of Stanley’s Just For Women Centre for giving them the opportunity to take our work to the next level.

If you or someone you know would benefit from attending a women only performance see the website for details.
Check out the full 2016 Tour schedule by visiting: www.thewomensvoicesproject.com 

When: Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Show Begins:7.30pm
Tickets: £7 Full Price / £5 Concession (Student, OAP, Artist, Unwaged) BOOK ONLINE HERE
Where:Alphabetti Theatre, The Basement, 18 New Bridge Street West, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8AW
Age Recommendation:13+ (under 16's must be accompanied by an adult)

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