
Preview: How Did We Get To This Point? at Newcastle Alphabetti

“This is an exhibition of us. It’s a journey of me, them and us as society.”

Alphabetti Theatre presents
How Did We Get To This Point?
As a Double Bill with
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre
Tuesday 6th – Saturday 10th December 2016

Alphabetti Theatre is back with its final show of the season How Did We Get To This Point?, their alternative Christmas show in association with homeless charity, Crisis. This passionate, gently amusing and touching piece of verbatim theatre is written based on countless interviews and conversations with people that writer, Ali Pritchard, has met over a period of six years. These are people he met on the street, in hostels and those in foster care; real people with real stories. These stories, along with some of Ali’s own journey, are shared with you in this poignant and moving production.

Immediately following each performance will be a showing of the short piece, Wrong Place, Wrong Time written by Steve Byron. The script for Wrong Place, Wrong Time was based on a response to materials produced by the Crisis Skylight Newcastle Upon Tyne members, after a series of workshops hosted by Ali. He held six creative writing workshops using the script for How Did We Get To This Point? as inspiration to the members, in which they produced their own scripts, poems and short stories. Wrong Place, Wrong Time is a chilling reminder of the differences in our society, the struggles that different people face and how being in the wrong place at the wrong time can have devastating consequences.

How Did We Get To This Point?
Written by Ali Pritchard with dramaturgical support from Steve Byron and Directed by Ben Dickenson

This is Ali's story. Except it isn't.
It's the hidden truth of a five year struggle to build an independent theatre company. Except it's not.
It is many stories. Stories from homeless people, young people, people who get lost, people who've had enough. It is their truth. It is an investigation into where we live, the mess we’re in and the slope we’re going down. It is a story about change, both individually and in society.
A live musical score. Baths, a dog and the real words of dozens of people, the voices we would hear if only we chose to listen.
It all leads to a simple question: what has happened to our compassion?
Notice it, feel it. Change it.

Rosie Fox
Dean Logan
Rosie Stancliffe

Animator: Ben Walden
Composer: Haythem Mohamed

Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Written and Directed by Steve Byron
There is only so long you can poke a monkey with a stick before it grabs it off you and beats you with it.
Nicky is a gentle soul in a savage jungle trying to survive, and looking for acceptance within the right tribe.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time is a short piece about the results of nature vs nurture, and how wrong place, wrong time can have life effecting consequences.
Paula Penman

How Did We Get To This Point?  and Wrong Place, Wrong Time are supported using public funding by Arts Council England and sponsorship from Crisis.

Dates: Tuesday 6th – Saturday 10th December 2016
Time: 7.30pm
Ticket Prices: £8 Full Price / £6 Concession (Students, Senior Citizens, Artists/Equity)
Running Time: Approx. 1 hour and 30 mins including a short break in-between each play.

Venue:Alphabetti Theatre, The Basement, 18 New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8AW


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