
Preview: Quarter Life Crisis at Stockton Arc

Having a quarter life crisis? Help is at hand

Quarter Life Crisis
Stockton Arc
Wednesday 12th April 2017

A hilarious play about coping with the harsh reality of turning 25, otherwise known as experiencing a quarter life crisis, is heading to ARC on Wednesday 12 April.

If you have ever struggled with the notion of getting older (and who hasn’t), then Quarter Life Crisis from London-born theatre maker Yolanda Mercy, is a night out you won’t want to miss.
The show tells the story of Alicia, a fictional character who’s not quite sure what she is doing with her life as she approaches her mid-twenties.
In between swiping left and right as she tries to find her perfect match, she is coming to terms with no longer being young enough to use her 16 – 25 rail card, whilst also trying to figure out what it means to be an adult.
Performed through a mix of spoken word, funny stories and a bit of light hearted audience participation, Yolanda’s show looks at why heading towards your thirties in 2017 can cause some very 21st Century problems.
The show starts at 7pm and is priced on ARC’s Pay What You Decide basis.
Creative Team
Writer and Performer: Yolanda Mercy
Director: Jade Lewis
Producer: Gemma Lloyd
Dramaturg: Jules Haworth
Sound and Visual Designer: Luay Eljamal
Set and Costume Designer: Cécile Trémolières
Lighting Designer: Sarah Readman
Stage Manager: Jac Bradley
Digital and Visual Online Content: Rachel Moore
Associate Director: Holly Gallagher

Event Details:
Event:Quarter Life Crisis
Date: Wednesday 12 April 2017
Time: 7pm
Price:Pay What You Decide
Running time: Approx. 1 hour
Supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Supported by Ovalhouse and ARC. Mentored by Third Angel.

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