
News: Jackie Fielding Trust


Future stars of stage and screen are being urged to apply for funding to help them follow their dreams of going to drama school.

The Jackie Fielding Trust was launched last year in memory of the much-loved director, to help young people pursue a career in the performing arts.

In its first year, the trust awarded a total of £2,000 towards training fees.
Applications are now open for 2017 and funding of up to £1,500 per student is available, with the funds being paid directly to the training provider.

Students who are applying for, or have secured a place on, musical theatre, dance or acting courses are eligible for consideration.
They must also be aged between 18 and 25, originate from the north east, particularly the South Tyneside area, and available to audition at The Customs House in early August.

If successful, they will be invited to perform at the annual Jackie Fielding Trust fundraiser at The Customs House on Sunday, September 3.
This year’s show will be Forgotten Broadway and is being put together by Gareth Hunter, artistic director of Ion Productions, who was a close friend of Jackie.
Jackie Fielding
He said: “Jackie Fielding was an accomplished actress and critically-acclaimed director whose contribution to theatre, particularly here in the north east, was remarkable. She was also renowned for her unwavering support, advocacy and development of emerging artists in the north east, many of whom have carved strong careers in their chosen genres.”

Jackie, who lived in South Shields but was originally from Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria, died in May 2015, after suffering a brain aneurysm while working on her production The Man and the Donkey, at The Customs House.

The money collected via donations at the 47-year-old’s funeral and a memorial event was earmarked to help young performers further their careers.

Gareth added: “Jackie studied drama at Manchester University before attending the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London, with the help of state funding, without which her family, like many today, would not have been able to support.  It is for this reason that Jackie’s friends and family insisted all donations be used to support emerging performers pursue training in their chosen field.”

Applicants to the Jackie Fielding Trust should submit their name, age, contact details, course title applied/applying for and the training provider/university, along with the reasons why they are in need or deserving of funding, via e-mail to gareth@ionentertainment.co.uk.

Applicants will then be asked to perform and have a short interview with the board of trustees, who are all theatre professionals. From there, one musical theatre student and one dance/drama student will be chosen to receive support.

The deadline for applications is Saturday, June 24, 2017. 


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