
Preview: Chilli Sauce at Darlington Quaker Meeting House

Pay what you like for a slice of theatre with kebabs thrown in

Chilli Sauce
Darlington Quaker Meeting House
Friday 30th June 2017

Going back to the days of travelling story-tellers, ODDMANOUT Theatre Company aims to utilise a small kebab stall in Darlington as the platform for their latest show Chilli Sauce, the next adventure for Darlington Theatre Town. People can pull up a seat, have a drink and a kebab and watch the story unfold. There will be tales of love, politics, prejudice, and a whole lot of doner meat – and you can be a part of it.

Katy Weir from ODDMANOUT said “We are looking to explore what it means to live in Darlington and the UK as a whole in 2017. We’d love to hear from the people of Darlington who want to share their stories, hopes, fears and dreams to help us paint a real picture about real people told with a real voice. If anyone is interested in talking to us please email oddmanouttheatre@gmail.com.”

Darlington Theatre Town is an exciting new initiative to present the most ambitious and high quality theatre in Darlington. The project brings together the expertise of partners Creative Darlington, DarlingtonHippodrome, Luxi, Theatre Hullabaloo and ODDMANOUT to cementDarlington’s place in the Tees Valley as a Theatre Town and a place where theatre thrives. 

The project, funded by the Arts Council and Darlington Borough Council, grew from the opportunity presented by the redevelopment of the Civic Theatre (opening as Darlington Hippodrome this Autumn), the exciting development of Theatre Hullabaloo’s new theatre for young audiences ‘The Hullabaloo’ (opening this Autumn) and the momentum that has built over the last couple of years around theatre in unusual places by events such as the award-winning Jabberwocky Market.

Chilli Sauce is a ‘pay what you decide’ event Book your ticket at nil value. Then, after you’ve seen the show, decide what you would like and are able to pay.

The show is suitable for 14+ and takes place outside so you are advised to dress accordingly. Venue: Quaker Meeting House Date: Friday 30 June at
6pm. For further information visit www.darlingtonhippodrome.co.uk

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