
Preview: Ten Times Two at Washington Arts Centre

An epic romantic comedy

Washington Theatre Group presents
Ten Times Two –    The Eternal Courtship
By David Belke
Washington Arts Centre
Thursday 27th-Saturday 29th July 2017

When an evil doer, cursed with immortality, falls helplessly in love with a barmaid in 1399, it is the start of a romantic pursuit spanning more than 6 centuries.
Under the watchful eye of the ‘Host’, approximately every 75 years Ephraim and his quarry Constance, are fatefully thrown together to explore what it means to love. Ephraim must understand the complexities of her heart and mind to acquire her desire and love but first, he must learn what it is to be human.

Follow Ephraim and the ‘Host’ on an impassioned journey to
explore whether love really is eternal.

Tickets: priced £6, are available from
Arts Centre Washington
on 0191 561 34 55 or at www.washingtonartscentre.co.uk

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