
News: Luca Rutherford previews new show at Stockton ARC

Luca Rutherford previews new show at Stockton ARC on Tuesday 20th February 2018

ARC’s Artistic Associate, Luca Rutherford brings her latest show, Luca Rutherford's Political Party to ARC on Tuesday 20th February. Co-commissioned by ARC, in association with The Albany, Camden People’s Theatre, Northern Stage and Unity Theatre, this is the first chance to see this new show before it tours later in the year.

Politics has always been somewhat overwhelming to the casual observer and in the 21st century it sometimes feels like that there's no escape. Whether it be general elections, Brexit, or Donald Trump; there's nowhere to turn from political commentary and in a time where we're told that people are fed up of experts, it seems that to comment and participate in politics we’re expected to be experts ourselves.  

Are you confused and overwhelmed by the political sphere? Do you feel stupid about politics? Luca Rutherford is so she’s throwing a party. A political party. We're promised music, dancing and eggs! No suits, no know-it-alls, and no big words.

Everyone is invited to this thinking-out-loud party. It’s okay to be wrong, it's okay to not know, and you don’t need to hide the questions you feel compelled to pretend to have the answers to. This is a show about how we do politics instead of just talking about it.

Luca Rutherford’s Political Party is priced on a Pay What You Decide basis. ARC wants to encourage more people to come and see shows at ARC more often. Pay What You Decide not only allows visitors to pay what they can afford, rather than a fixed ticket price, but also removes the financial risk of buying a ticket for a show in advance without knowing whether they are going to enjoy it or not. More information about this pioneering initiative can be found here.

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