
Preview: Steffen Peddie & The Big Time Fundraiser at South Shields Armstrong Hall

North East comedy writer’s play hopes to make The Big Time in Edinburgh.

The Big Time
Edinburgh C Royale
Wednesday 1st – Saturday 25th August 2018

Steffen Peddie & The Big Time Fundraiser
South Shields Armstrong Hall
Sunday 22nd July 2018

Writer Wayne Miller is set to have his play The Big Time run at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A play that previewed in his home town South Shields and was so well received it has spawned a sequel. Known in the North East mainly as an actor starring in musicals such as The Machine Gunners, Cuddy’s Miles, Dan Dare and plays Alf Ramsey Knew My Grandfather, Hadaway Harry and Romeo & Juliet, The Big Time was Wayne’s first time writing a full length play a play that was always eyed for a Fringe outing.

The comedy follows Jerry and Jacks, who do odd jobs working for a local gangster to pay off a debt. But the duo become out of their depth when they decide to pull off a kidnapping to get further up the ladder in the “organisation”. Far from becoming “Big Time” gangsters, their slapdash approach sees them snatch the wrong girl and find themselves facing the wrath of their boss.

The play will run at CVenues: C Royale in Edinburgh from 1st to 25th August, just one of thousands that will be hoping to make their mark. The Edinburgh Fringe is a dream for many a performer, not just because you can perform at the largest arts festival in the world…but for many it just stays a dream due to the sheer cost. Producing a show there in August costs many thousands of pounds, something Walton-Gunn Productions know too well. They have secured costs for the venue, accommodation and for the actors, however they are still a few pennies short… few thousand pennies that is. They are looking to find the final part of the budget for set, props and costumes and are holding a fundraising night for just that.  The shows producer Stacy Walton says “We have self-funded ninety percent of the costs, but still have an amount to source. Funding is limited for opportunities like the Edinburgh Fringe, especially for an all-out comedy. Arts Council funding is a no go for us as a company, so we are turning to theatre fans to help. So, we hope our night of comedy and music will do the trick.”

In July they will host a night of comedy and music headlined by North East comic, TV star and radio presenter Steffen Peddie.  A host of talented North East based performers will come together to support the theatre productions journey to hit the Big Time in Edinburgh. “We have been so lucky to have local musicians giving up their time to perform and having a top comedian and all-round gent Steffen Peddie jumping in to help out. Its set to be a great night of entertainment that we hope gets us to our target to get Wayne’s play to the Fringe.” Added Stacy.

The fundraising night Steffen Peddie & The Big Time Fundraiser will take place on Sunday July 22nd at Armstrong Hall in South Shields. Tickets are £8 available online @ https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/south-shields/armstrong-hall

For those who can’t make the event but would still like to help you can donate at https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/thebigtime  

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