
Preview: BonBons Cabaret: Queen Takes King at Newcastle Alphabetti

Bonnie and The Bonnettes present
The BonBons Cabaret: Queen Takes King
Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre
Wednesday 25th July @ 7:30pm

The BonBons Cabaret is an evening hosted by Bonnie and The Bonnettes. Its mission is to facilitate a safe platform for experimental, queer, alternative performance work in the North East.

Join Bonnie and The Bonnettes, Mr Rhi (Mama Rhi), Maxim, The Loves, Melody Sproates, Lil’Bitchard, Vol-Au-Vent Love, The Arousals, and Johnny the Biblical Rapper for a night of pride, celebration, and community - for tonight's strictly drag and lip-sync!

Chess board. Black and ivory. A Queen. A King. Some knights. Some pawns. Who makes the first move? Come watch us play. One half are drag queens. The other half are drag kings. Some are in between.

It’s a circus. A downtown bar. A club. Or a cabaret lounge. Wherever it may be, it’s all part of your imagination. A well-conditioned moustache. Big hair. Feathers. Heels. An open shirt. Dresses. Leather. A double whiskey, on the rocks. Or a gin and tonic, lots of lime. Whatever it is, it’s a game and anyone can make the first move.

Photo: Shotbyjen

When: Wednesday 25th July 2018
Show begins: 7.30pm
Tickets: £7 Full Price / £5 Concession (Student, OAP, Artist, Unwaged)
Age recommendation: 12+

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