
Preview: Heaton! at Newcastle People’s Theatre

A Celebration of NE6

Heaton! by Peter Dillon
Newcastle People’s Theatre
Tuesday 17th - Saturday 21st July 2018

Ben Ostell as Colin Veitch

Heaton was also the home of Colin Veitch, Newcastle United’s most successful captain and co-founder of the People’s Theatre back in 1911.

Ellie North as
Florence Nightingale Harrison-Bell
In 1962 the People’s moved to where they are now, a building that was the Lyric Cinema.  They’ve been here ever since, at the heart of the community, and they’re sure everyone who comes along to see Heaton! will leave uplifted and having learnt something about the area and its rich history that they didn’t know before!

Reg White as Arup & Pete McAndrew as Utzon
Rhiannon Wilson as Catherine & Steven Sharkey as Freddie
The play is a feast of drama, music, dance and film celebrating the lives and achievements of local pioneers, all intertwined with the love affair between time-travelling fictional couple Freddie and Catherine.

Alongside Heaton! The venue hosts the artwork of pupils from five local primary schools in their Foyer Gallery inspired by their studies of some of the figures who feature in the play.

Photos by Paula Smart
Poster image by JUMP

£14 (Concessions £11.50) from the box office on 0191 265 5020 or online from www.peoplestheatre.co.uk 

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