
Preview: Reflections from the Amazon at Darlington Hullabaloo

Explorer Pip Stewart reveals life affirming tales from her time in the Amazon at her talk in Darlington

Reflections from the Amazon: Human impact on a remote region
Darlington Hipp@The Hullabaloo
Tuesday 6th November 2018

Explorer and journalist Pip Stewart will be continuing her UK theatre tour this autumn at the The Hullabaloo, revealing tales of her Amazonian adventure, a trip inspired by her curiosity and drive to communicate local people’s struggles and stories.

Pip is an adventurer, journalist and presenter who has travelled to some of the wildest corners of the planet. Her most recent project involved multiple expeditions to the Amazon to get an in-depth understanding of the critical issues in the region. These include gold mining, cattle ranching and deforestation.

Pip has cycled along Brazil's Trans Amazonian Highway, lived with Indigenous communities in Peru, and paddled Guyana's Essequibo River from source to sea, a world first, accompanied by the Wai Wai tribe. Through her adventures Pip has seen first-hand the potential destructive nature of modernity, and why protecting wild places and the rich cultures that exist within them is increasingly important.

In this talk, the audience will be introduced to some of the people Pip met along the way, including incredibly hospitable locals, and the heart-breaking story of Diana Rios in Peru whose father was murdered by illegal loggers. Mrs Rios is now trying to raise awareness of the need for Indigenous communities to have more land rights to protect their homelands.

When asked what attendees can expect from her UK tour, Pip answered: “Guests can expect raw, honest emotion. My time in the Amazon has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be human - from feeling abject fear as a jaguar walked through camp to the heart-breaking tales of the people that live there. I hope the audience will walk away knowing more about the issues but also more about themselves and how they function in the 21st century. At least that’s the plan...”

Pip’s talk is part of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Regional Theatres Programme. Events are open to all and RGS-IBG members enjoy a reduced ticket price.

Photos: Jon WIlliams

‘Reflections from the Amazon: Human impact on a remote region’ appears on Tuesday 6th November at 8.00pm
Hipp@The Hullabaloo, Borough Road, Darlington, DL1 1SG

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