
Preview: Ladybones at Newcastle Alphabetti

Alphabetti Theatre Presents New Work Exploring OCD, Sexuality, And Loneliness

Newcastle Alphabetti Theatre
Tuesday 18th - Friday 21st February 2020

Following a successful run at Edinburgh Fringe last summer, and sell-out performances on this year’s tour, writer and actor Sorcha McCaffrey brings her production Ladybones to Newcastle’s Alphabetti Theatre next week.

Photo: Alex Brenner
A young woman working on an archaeological dig discovers the bones of a girl buried hundreds of years ago and, using her own experiences, starts to put life into the girl’s remains.

Nuala has OCD; the girl was likely accused of, and murdered for, being a witch. Using humour and observations of her world and the people in it, Nuala shines a light on the comparisons of past and present, and understanding what it is to be ‘other’.

Sorcha McCaffrey
Sorcha McCaffrey is both the writer and the protagonist- she also has OCD. “I wrote Ladybones to show that people are more than just their condition and to dispel the common myths about OCD - it’s often trivialised and misunderstood when it’s a terribly debilitating condition.

Once diagnosed, aged 20, Sorcha received help from OCD-UK, a national charity that supports those living with the condition. The charity has now partnered with Sorcha to help reach more people with OCD.

Ashley Fullwood, CEO of OCD-UK says: “I have been raising awareness of OCD for many years - what Sorcha achieves with Ladybones is to reach audiences that we couldn’t, and she does it with great humour, energy, and passion.The hour-long play explores themes of mental health and recovery, family, sexuality, and loneliness.”

“I want those affected by OCD to know that recovery is possible,” concludes Sorcha. “And I want people who come to see the show to have a laugh, be moved, and leave with a bit more hope than when they arrived.”

Photo: Alex Brenner
Sorcha McCaffrey presents
Tuesday 18th - Friday 21st February 2020
*Thursday 20th performance will be BSL interpreted*
Show begins: 7.30pm

Tues 18th: Pay What You Feel
Wed 19th - Fri 21st: £9 full price / £7 concession
Age recommendation: 12+
Running time: Approx. 60 mins

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