
Casting: Casting Call for Teesside Production


Casting Call for Teesside Production


A new musical is currently under development, featuring some of the brightest musical talents the North East has to offer, and with a name like ‘Steel and Iron’, there is no need to guess the subject matter of its literary location.

NETG Steel and Iron - Preview link

Producer and co-writer Katie (Victoria) Gibson, from Twenty Seven Productions has enlisted an A Class creative team, featuring the likes of chart topping Alistair Griffin, writer John Hoggarth, home grown family group Cattle and Cane, with support from local authorities and additional writing from Paul Smith of Maximo Park. Gibson is excited and keen to ask the question, “What happens to a place that is defined by its heritage and industry, when those are taken away from it?”

This project was first conceived by Twenty Seven in 2016 and since then, they have developed amazing anthems and a strong identity moving forward.

Twenty Seven now look to complete their casting for Steel and Iron, and wish to audition suitable candidates on June 2nd at ARC in Stockton.

Anyone who fits the brief should email amalauditions@gmail.com by May 29th with their performance CV, preferred time (AM or PM) and confirm they are available for rehearsals from (approximately) July 12th, and performances until August 15th.

This is a paid role. Should performers wish to bring their own instruments, please feel free to do so, but we will have a drum kit and other percussive instruments on the day.

Both ARC and Twenty Seven operate under Government Guideline with regards to COVID 19, so the space will be clean for each auditionee and all of our panel.

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