
REVIEW: The Homecoming at Newcastle Theatre Royal

The Homecoming

Newcastle Theatre Royal

Until Saturday 14 May 2022

Harold Pinter's tale of North London family life has returned to  Newcastle's Theatre Royal this week.

The original production dates back to 1965 and reflects some of the attitudes and values held by some of the people at that time. 

Max is the elderly family patriarch. Keith Allen delivers a performance which sharply observes a strong willed man who has clear opinions that they are happy to voice. Living under his roof is his brother Sam (Ian Bartholomew) who is a chauffeur, states that he is successful in his work, plus two of his sons.

These two sons are a direct contrast to one another. Matthew Horne delivers a strong performance as Lenny, a man with a gift of the gab who earns  a living off the graft of others. Joey (Geoffrey Lumb) is a much quieter chap  who wants to be a boxer but works in demolition until he makes it.

Max also has a third son who decides to make a homecoming visit without any warning.  Teddy (Sam Alexander) lectures at a university in the United States  and he got married to Ruth (Shanaya Rafaat) six years ago in London but did not mention it to the rest of the family. So Max is surprised when Teddy and Ruth both appear without warning.  

The action then unfolds as each, very different, character tries to get along with the new arrivals. What is clever is that the action is as much about what is not actually said than what is said. If, for example, Lenny spouts his opinion then it is the awkward silence and furtive looks that follow that makes the situation.  

Having said that, the situation is not easy to unpack. At times it is strange and absurd. You also have values presented that are at odds with present day thinking. Attitudes towards women, for example, can make this a tough watch. 

The mid-60s tale is of its time. The cast deliver an emphatic performance that is interesting, however don’t expect to make sense of it all - I know I didn’t. Some of the reactions, or the lack of them, are not what you always expect. 

Review: Stephen Oliver

Photos: Manuel Harlan


The Homecoming plays at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Tuesday 10 – Saturday 14 May 2022. Tickets are priced from £15.00 and can be purchased at www.theatreroyal.co.uk or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 0191 232 7010. 

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